NAVI MUMBAI – 400 614.


TRADE NOTICE NO. 01/2014-15/CX-BEL DATED 28/10/2014


Sub: Reorganisation of the jurisdiction of Central Excise

                                     Commissionerates under Mumbai Zone-II.


Attention of the Trade & Industry is invited to Notification No. 27/2014-Central Excise (NT) issued by the Ministry of Finance, New Delhi and Trade Notice No. 01/2014 dated 09.10.2014 issued by the Chief Commissioner, Central Excise, Mumbai Zone-II on the above subject. The copy of the said Trade Notice can be obtained from the website


2.         Consequent upon the issuance of the said Notification and Trade Notice, jurisdiction of the Divisions and Ranges have been re-structured and new Division / Ranges have been created.


3.         The new Commissionerate, Division and Range code will be assigned new CDR code and existing assessees will be remapped as per the new CDR location code. The process of migration of assessee from old CDR code to new CDR code is underway and will take some time.


4.         As the process of migration is likely to take some time, it is hereby informed that after 15th October, 2014 and till the process of migration to new Commissionerate, Division and Range is completed, all the assessees would continue to pay duty using the existing Commissionerate, Division and Range code, so as to avoid any difficulty in paying the duty. Once migration is completed, auto generated emails would be sent to the assessee by the Directorate General of Systems informing them of the new location codes. Besides, there will be a facility in ACES and EASIEST websites in which the assessees can enter their registration no. to see their new location code. Further, tickers will be put up on CBEC and ACES website for the same.


5.         In case of any difficulties related to reorganization of Divisions / Ranges, the old jurisdictional Division / Range officer may be contacted.


6.         All the concerned Trade Associations are requested to bring the above contents to the notice of their members and constituents, for necessary guidance.








F.No. V.Gen(30)19/Tech. Hqrs/Bel/13-14/   

Navi Mumbai, the 28th October, 2014


Copy to:

All Trade Associations as per mailing list/Member of RAC (OS) & SSI by Name.

Chief Commissioners of Central Excise, Mumbai Zone-I & Zone-II.

All Commissioners of Central Excise, Mumbai Zone-II.

Addl. / Joint Commissioner, Central Excise, Belapur.

All Divisional Deputy / Assistant Commissioners for information and necessary action.

Suptd. (Computer), Central Excise, Belapur for uploading the same on website.

All Section Heads, HQ, Belapur, for information and necessary action.

Notice Board & Master File. 

























NAVI MUMBAI – 400 614.


TRADE NOTICE NO. 02/2014-15/CX-BEL DATED 28/10/2014


Sub: Supervision & Sealing of Export Consignment.


Attention of all manufacturers and exporters is invited to various Circulars / Instructions issued by the Board from time to time laying down the procedures for the stuffing and sealing of export containers, provision for single factory stuffing permission, export of non-excisable goods under self-sealing and self-certification and other related instructions in the subject matter. The procedure for self-certification and self-sealing of containers at their premises has been laid down under Board’s Circular No. 426/59/98-CX dated 12.10.1998. The facility of self-certification and self-sealing is extended to all categories of manufacturers-exporters by the Board under the Circular No. 736/52/2003-CX dated 11.08.2003. This facility of self-sealing of export goods is not applicable to exports made to Nepal and Bhutan. In terms of Board Circular No. 860/18/2007-CX dated 22.11.2007 issued under F. No. 209/06/2007-CX.6, exports under free Shipping Bill i.e. Shipping Bill, wherein no export benefits are being sought, the manufacturer-exporter shall mandatorily resort to self-sealing of containers. Accordingly, no request for stuffing and sealing of such export containers shall be entertained in case the exports are under free Shipping Bills.


2.         In case of exports under Duty Exemption Entitlement Certificate (DEEC), Duty Exemption Pass Book Scheme (DEPB), claims for Drawback and / or under any export incentive schemes, the procedures laid down in Board’s Circular No. 860/18/2007-CX dated 22.11.2007 shall not be applicable.


3.         All registered Manufacturers and Exporters, Merchant Exporters, Warehouse Custodians, requesting for supervision of stuffing by officers in case where export incentives like Duty Exemption Entitlement Certificate (DEEC), Duty Exemption Pass Book Scheme (DEPB), claims for Drawback etc. are claimed, should install sufficient functional CCTVs, at their premises, covering the area where the containers are proposed to be loaded. The recordings of CCTV cameras should be retained for sufficient period of time. This exercise should be completed by 15.11.2014 and intimated to the respective Divisions failing which officers will not be deputed for export supervision in these premises.




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4.         The above laid down procedures would come into effect from 15.11.2014.


5.         All Trade Associations, Chambers of Commerce and Members of Regional Advisory Committee are requested to publish the contents of this Order among their members / constituents for timely compliance.








F.No. V.Gen(30)19/Tech. Hqrs/Bel/13-14/   

Navi Mumbai, the 28th October, 2014


Copy to:

All Trade Associations as per mailing list/Member of RAC (OS) & SSI by Name.

Chief Commissioner of Central Excise, Mumbai Zone-II.

All Commissioners of Central Excise Zone-II.

Addl. / Joint Commissioner, Central Excise, Belapur.

All Divisional Deputy / Assistant Commissioners for information and necessary action.

Suptd. (Computer), Central Excise, Belapur for uploading the same on website.

All Section Heads, HQ, Belapur, for information and necessary action.

Notice Board & Master File.